Het Galgo Platform heeft namens diverse stichtingen een bedankbrief geschreven aan het Europees Parlement. Dit n.a.v. de brief van 11 maart j.l. waarover wij eerder bericht hebben. Laten wij hopen, dat door onze krachten te bundelen, wij een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan een beter leven voor de Podenco's in Spanje.
Hieronder de tekst van de brief. Op het plaatje kun je de deelnemende organisaties zien.
Letter of appreciation
Dear Anja,
Dear Petras,
Dear Members of the European Parliament Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals,
On behalf of the GalgoPlatform we want to thank You for the open letter on the protection of the Spanish hunting dogs and for the suggested protection measures for the Spanish Government.
We are most grateful that the EU clarifies in the open letter that the hunting with hunting dogs is not accepted as a cultural tradition under article 13 of the Lisbon Treaty, instead that the hunting is treated as a private affair, which is of great importance.
Also, the recognition that the hunting -working- dogs are denied the status of sentient beings recognized in article 13 of Title II and that their treatment is in contradiction with European Values, is undeniably important. Furthermore, the importance on correcting the status of the rehalas not being ‘of cultural interest’ is necessary, as the amount of podencos (1.4 million to 1.8 million. Source: PACMA) used in the hunt (rehala and montería) is even higher than the amount of galgos (900.000. Source: SOS GALGOS and PACMA); which makes the number of hunting dogs that is denied their right around 2.5 million hunting dogs, galgos and podencos alone. That number does not even include other hunting dogs.
We are very thankful for all the recommendations made by the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals and grateful for the support of the EU for the welfare of the Spanish hunting dogs.
The GalgoPlatform is a platform that unites (Dutch) organizations that strive for the fate of galgos and podencos in Spain.
Yours Sincerely,
Chantal Kotte